“A Nation’s development graph depends on the literacy rate and competency of its educated population. Education is the best tool and method to lay the foundation for an aware and dynamic society. Quality Education for children includes the best practices for the mainstream children and also includes those children who have specific learning challenges. We have tried our bit in integrating students from both streams.

Expansion of our Educational services includes inclusion of children with mild learning problems. We want to offer all possible support to children with mild symptoms of learning disabilities, so that they can have a normal upbringing.This ensures creating sensitivity among other children, such that they learn to accommodate peers with special needs. Our intention is to create an ambience in our school premises of ‘sharing and caring’.

The Best teaching staff shall be part of our team for formal classroom education. Also, specialists shall be on board for remedial classes - also known as developmental education, basic skills education, compensatory education, preparatory education, and academic upgrading which shall be assigned for needy students. Our core objective is to provide an ideal learning space where our students get Education, Empowerment and Self-Expression.”

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